Work Orders

A brand-new time-saving feature, ‘Order Templates’ streamlines the account creation process by quickly applying frequently used selections to a customer. WHOA! What happened? What’s the matter?” Oh, nothing. I guess if you consider how you just...

Permission Groups

Yes. Nope, not you. Continue on. Yes. Hold it. Ok, go. With Group Permissions, there are literally endless combinations you can assign to as few or a many users as you need. It’s not necessary to review users one at a time. That’s just like you....

Global Messages

Hey, make sure you check your equipment counts. You too, please count your equipment today. Excuse me, sir. Do count your equipment today. Why are you bugging everybody? Let them work. No time to talk, gotta let everyone know personally to count their equipment today....

Email Settings

Hahaha! Hahaha! Wait… Wait, what’s so funny? *wipes tears of joy* Oh, I just set our SecurityTrax up to email you a reminder to feed your cat 30 minutes before a scheduled installation. *gasp* You promised never to speak of Cat...

ADT Integration

Here’s a short clip demonstrating how all essential customer information for a new ADT account is stored in SecurityTrax then pushed to ADT. Why did you just push me?! I was illustrating to our friends here how data starts in one place and ends in another. But...

Accounting Settings

Net 15, Due on Receipt, Company Information Overrides, and Invoice Settings. It’s the soundtrack of money. Chill out, bean counter. You’re going to break your...